Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Vincenza's Miracle - the book, the production


            At long last...Vincenza's Miracle leads us through true 
stories and adventures of the  maternal and paternal
ancestors, of Bernadine de Mike, reaching back to 1850. 
            All lived in the ancient cities and villages of Sicily -Vincenza Bellance in Mussomeli, Salvatore Iacona in Agrigento and St. Elisabetta,  and Josephine Alessi & Anthony Ciccia inPalermo & Valledormo 
          Sicily is a unique island whose language, food, culture, and history are different in every way from any other country in the
Kallista & Kalen Durbin
 world.  She asks the question, “Will my children,
 grandchildren and all generations to come know the
 personalities and character traits of these courageous men
and women?  Will they realize their struggles,
sacrifices, and triumphs?” An even greater question
is, “Do third, fourth and fifth generation Americans
realize what a great privilege it is to live in this, country
 a land that has been blessed by Almighty God?   

          Precious photos taken from the archives of old
scrapbooks, negatives, news clippings, and slides
 have now been preserved and recorded. .  Best of all, there are the “word of mouth” tales from people who have lived through what the reader will experience, second hand.

Boldly presented, some stories may be shocking, yet most are inspiring. Nothing is more powerful
in the written word than truth.  No one in their wildest imaginations could invent what the
reader will experience through Vincenza’s Miracle

The ebook will be sold on Amazon.com in October for $2.99.  Here's the Forward and Introduction:
       I was blessed with two saintly grandmothers and a godly mother.  The men in the family were great protectors and providers, but the women were the true warriors and guardians of the soul. The men also had great intelligence but the women I knew, had the wisdom to discern and live the truth, no matter what the consequences.  Men, all too often carry anger, resentment, and even the desire for revenge, but many women live with constant forgiveness – a cross they carry from day to day.
            As providers, fathers and sons are bent on acquiring money for security, investments, and the necessities of life both now and as a heritage to leave to others.  My two grandmothers were as poor as church mice, yet as rich as kings for their constant cries to heaven for family and friends were laid in the “bank of heaven,” never to be lost, stolen, or rotted away.  It is this “stash” of goods I rely on every moment that I am alive. 
            The faith of the women in my life, including many wonderful friends, are seeds that have been planted in my heart and continue to grow. They blossom into the fruit and flowers I can freely give to others.  Only when we know that a Mighty God lives inside of us are we able to pour out our love for family, friends, and the unlovable.   
            Before the creation of the world, each of us was born into the heart and mind of God who knew the time, place and talents which would be bestowed upon us.  The stories of Vincenza, Josephine and Jessie will not lie in the grave, nor will they ever end.  All three gave me life.  All three gave me eyes to see beyond this world and the courage to choose my eternity.  May their stories pierce every heart, unleashing the potential of greatness of each of us to overflow to all of mankind. 
Sicily – where purple peaks pierce softened pastel skies and angels dance on sunbeams leaving softened shadows of olive trees. Yet, barren landscapes, formerly lush, reveal the Roman scavenger’s ravage of domination and greed endured from earlier centuries. Ruins of Greek pillars, orphaned by voluminous volcano eruptions and earthquakes astound the visitor as well as the stunning beauty of breathtaking seacoasts surrounded by sensuous sunsets.
 It was there that stories of oppression amidst golden churches, thronged by poverty-stricken peasants, were revealed to future generations.  These fleeing immigrants were forced to forsake the land of their birth and join the multitudes with carpet bags filled with hope, to another land promising “milk and honey” and “golden streets”. 

A scene from the production of Vincenza's Miracl 

The production is a 45 minute presentation encompassing 100 years of life in Sicily and America, featuring the the Bellance, Iacono, Alessi & Ciccia families
Professional actors, singers and dancers will star in  performances in local theaters this fall and spring, through the Royale Dance Theatre,
Multi-media effects will be produced by professional videographer JL De Mike 
Dancers, actors and singers are invited to audition by calling 716 930 7100.

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